About Us

Software Concepts International (SCI)

SCI is the leading provider of OpenVMS system and database administration, consulting, software utilities, and training for mission-critical OpenVMS environments worldwide.

Founded in 1987 as a consulting firm specializing in a niche database market, SCI quickly gained an international reputation for its OpenVMS and database expertise. Building on this expertise and international reputation, SCI now supports a global installed base on multiple database platforms.

Our outstanding balance of strengths – technological innovation, leadership, exceptional people, and a proven track record of delivering excellent service allows us to provide world-class database support. So whether it’s remote software, technical consulting, or specialized training, SCI provides the information solutions to address the  OpenVMS systems and database needs of organizations today and in the future.

SCI has supported hundreds of mission-critical OpenVMS systems, Oracle Rdb and Oracle CODASYL DBMS databases in more than 30 locations spanning 12 countries.

Success Stories

  • Challenge: Finding OpenVMS knowledgeable replacement staff trained to maintain and manage their business critical OpenVMS systems properly – the void leaving the systems vulnerable.
  • Solution: Faced with a system-down situation and internal resources exhausted, the OpenVMS experts at Software Concepts International (SCI) quickly restored their business-critical OpenVMS systems.  Read full story
  • Challenge: A gradual slow down in system performance was having a negative impact on output. Customer’s investigation indicated that the system’s dynamic memory pool was 80% allocated, and they planned a costly shut down to allocate additional memory to restore performance levels.
  • Solution: As an IT partner SCI was notified that the database would be down for one hour and the VMS server would be rebooted. Intrigued by the situation SCI did some additional investigating and found the source of excessive use of Paged Pool. Armed with this new found information the system managers at the site were able to pinpoint the application and cause of the growth, correct the issue and avoid the down-time.  Read full story
Proven results by applying the best practices to Computer System Management.

Most OpenVMS environments – the systems, applications, Rdb and DBMS databases – have evolved over the past 20 to 40 years, are mission-critical, and highly integrated with other systems.  The original team that designed, developed, implemented, and supported these systems – the in-house experts – have been decimated through retirement, career advancements, and decades of organizational changes.

SCI protects your investment in OpenVMS by providing the world-class services that allow these systems and databases to continue to evolve while operating at peak efficiency.
Worldwide Support

Supporting customers throughout the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia.

Real Experts

All SCI team members are full-time employees based in the US with over 20 years of hands-on experience managing the most complex OpenVMS systems and databases.

Robust Products

SCI’s software and service products are continually enhanced based on our experiences managing hundreds of OpenVMS systems and databases for over 30 years.


SCI is ISO 27001 certified, providing confidence that our ISMS policies and procedures meet or exceed international standards.

OpenVMS & Database Guardian
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