Migration Services
SCI: The leader in migrating OpenVMS systems
Software Concepts International (SCI) has been migrating OpenVMS customers to new servers and architectures for years. Since its release in 2005, SCI has established itself as a leader in migrating OpenVMS systems to the HP Integrity platform with a proven track record of successful migrations. With the port of OpenVMS to the x86-64 scheduled for 2022, SCI has already established itself as a leader in the OpenVMS on x86-64 space and is prepared to help you migrate too!
Why Migrate?
Maintenance Costs
As your OpenVMS Integrity, Alpha or VAX environments age, maintenance costs will rise – new, modern x86 systems with current warranties may offset the high maintenance costs of the older architectures.
Confidence. VMS is VMS
The features, tools, reliability, availability, and security you depend on with your OpenVMS systems exists in all versions of OpenVMS regardless of architecture or vendor. Your business depends on your OpenVMS applications, so why risk migrating your application and operating system when you can continue to trust your business to OpenVMS?
Your Investment in OpenVMS
A migration to modern servers allows our clients to maximize their investments in their OpenVMS applications and layered products. VSI’s commitment to porting OpenVMS to x86-64 platform extends and protects your investment in OpenVMS for many years to come.
- The mid-range RX4640 Integrity Server with 1.6GHz Madison-9 Itanium processors has a tpmC rating of 161, 217 while the ES45 AlphaServer with 1.0GHz EV68 processors has a tpmC rating of 50,117. The Integrity server is 3 times faster!
- On the high-end, the RX8620 with 16 1.6GHz Madison-9 Itanium processors has a tpmC rating of 332,266, while the GS320 with 32 1GHz EV6 processors has a tpmC rating of 230 533. The Integrity server is nearly 50% faster, with one-half the number of processors!
- When looking at $/tpmC, the Integrity Servers are at least 70% less than the comparable Alpha Servers!
How can SCI help?
SCI’s robust tools, proven methodologies, and significant experience with successful migrations allow us to migrate your database applications to modern servers with minimal downtime.
Our migration experience spans the world, from the USA to Asia and Europe. SCI has the experience and resources needed to ensure a smooth and successful migration regardless of your data center location.
Why SCI?
Minimal downtime
Our proven ability to minimize downtime during the migration cutover (less than 2 hours).
Creative solutions
SCI has developed creative solutions for handling legacy functions that cannot be readily moved to new servers (generally due to lack of source code or licensing issues).
Recognized experts
A single failure during the migration process could be catastrophic to your data or the project itself. As leaders in supporting OpenVMS systems with decades of experience performing OpenVMS migrations, we know what is required to migrate your systems and applications successfully.
Unique migration strategies
SCI’s unique migration strategies minimize the scope of changes required during the migration between environments. SCI experts are able to reduce the time and cost of the migration while providing a more reliable solution.

Worldwide Support
Supporting customers throughout the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia.

Real Experts
All SCI team members are full-time employees based in the US with over 20 years of hands-on experience managing the most complex OpenVMS systems and databases.

Robust Products
SCI’s software and service products are continually enhanced based on our experiences managing hundreds of OpenVMS systems and databases for over 30 years.

SCI is ISO 27001 certified, providing confidence that our ISMS policies and procedures meet or exceed international standards.